
For many years Tia has been a valiant supporter of many New York based charities.  Her work  with charitable organizations began as early as her mid-twenties in support of The Children's Aid Society and has continued through today.  Charitable leadership positions evolved from membership outreach to working with a  dedicated emphasis on critically needed funds for a myriad of childrens organizations.  Tia has also greatly supported various arts related organizations as a host commitee member for mulitple gala fundraisers.  Participation has included  Women's  Project Theater,  Fred and  Adele Astaire Awards and several others.

In the late 2000s Tia established, Save the Eggs, a breast cancer initiative directly benefiting cancer/and or fertility related organizations.  Her mission is to secure funds for women unable to cover the expense of saving their eggs when faced with the possibility of infertility due to chemotherapy--specifcally in the treatment of breast cancer.

If your organization is  in need of assistance please  direct your inquiry to the Say Hello section of this site.